Simple Future Tense | Rules, Usage, And Examples Of Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense also called future indefinite tense is the tense we use to discuss our plans, actions, or events.

What is the Simple Future Tense?

The simple future tense is a verb tense that shows an action that will happen in the future. That means this tense is used to talk about actions or events that are yet to happen.

We can also use this tense to express intention or certainty about an action that will happen in the future. Whenever you want to talk about your plans, actions, or events that are going to happen in the future you can use simple future or future indefinite tense.   

A simple future sentence is formed using the auxiliary verb “will” followed by the main verb.

Examples of Simple Future Tense Sentences

Let’s look at some examples of simple future-tense sentences…

  • I will meet Emma tomorrow morning.
  • Don’t worry, it will work now.
  • You will call him today.
  • She will do whatever she can to help you.
  • We will discuss this matter in the evening.
  • He will meet me at the bus stop in half an hour.
  • They will visit us next month.
  • Jack will marry Olivia this Sunday.
  • You will get fired for this mistake.
  • She will call me when she gets there.
  • We will go on a road trip this weekend.
  • I will be late for the meeting.

12 Tenses chart in English with Examples

Simple Future Tense Rule

In the above examples, we have used the helping verb (Auxiliary) “will” and the main verb (base form). You can use this combination (will and base form of the verb) with any “subject” in the simple future tense.

IWillBase form
He/She/ItWillBase form
We/You/TheyWillBase form
Simple Future Tense Rule

Sentence Structure of Simple Future Tense

Now look at the sentence structure of simple future tense that we use to make different types of sentences in this tense.

1. Affirmative Sentence Structure

Subject + Will + Verb (Main verb) + Object

Examples of Simple Future Tense Affirmative Sentences

  • I will watch a movie tonight.
  • You will send an email to them.
  • He will finish his work soon.
  • She will join us next week.
  • We will accept this offer.
  • They will reject your proposal.
  • I think it will rain tomorrow.
  • William will meet us at the airport.

2. Negative Sentence Structure

Subject + Will + Not + Verb (Main verb) + Object

Examples of Simple Future Tense Negative Sentences

  • I will not watch a movie tonight.
  • You will not send an email to them.
  • He will not finish his work soon.
  • She will not join us next week.
  • We will not accept this offer.
  • They will not reject your proposal.
  • I think it will not rain tomorrow.
  • William will not meet us at the airport.

3. Interrogative (Question) Sentence Structure

Will + Subject + Verb (Main verb) + Object?

Examples of Simple Future Tense Question Sentences

  • Will I watch a movie tonight?
  • Will you send an email to them?
  • Will he finish his work soon?
  • Will she join us next week?
  • Will we accept this offer?
  • Will they reject your proposal?
  • Will it rain tomorrow?
  • Will William meet us at the airport?

4. Interrogative Negative Sentence Structure

Will + Subject + Not + Verb (Main verb) + Object?

Examples of Simple Future Interrogative Negative Sentences

  • Will not watch a movie tonight?
  • Will you not send an email to them?
  • Will he not finish his work soon?
  • Will she not join us next week?
  • Will we not accept this offer?
  • Will they not reject your proposal?
  • Will it not rain tomorrow?
  • Will William not meet us at the airport?

Usage of Simple Future Tense

There are different situations when we can use the simple future tense. Let’s look at some of those situations with examples.

1. To express or describe future events

We can use this tense to express or describe events that will happen in the future.  


  • She will go to work tomorrow.
  • The train will arrive at 10:30 PM today.
  • The petrol prices will rise again.
  • My mother will bake cookies.

2. To talk about planned or intended future actions or events

If you have planned or intended to do something in the future, you can use the simple future tense to talk about that event.


  • We will fly to London next week.
  • Jack will pick me up in the afternoon.
  • My dad will buy me a new dress tomorrow.
  • The board meeting will begin at 4:30.
  • I will pay the electricity bill on the 10th of this month.

3. To talk about unplanned actions

You can also use this tense to express an action that was not planned initially but now will happen.

Let’s imagine that you are at a restaurant with your friend David. It was his special treat, but he forgot to bring his wallet. In that situation, what would you say? You would say, “Don’t worry, David, I will pay the bill.

Initially, this was not planned, but now you will do it. So, you can express it using the future simple tense.

Some more such simple future tense examples are

  • Please wait here; I will be back in a minute.
  • I will drive you home because it is raining outside.
  • The substitute teacher will take your history classes today.

4. To predict future

We can use the simple future tense when we predict that something will happen in the near future.


  • We will reach there in an hour.
  • Ten thousand students will appear for the exam this year.
  • As per the weather report, it will rain in the evening.
  • I think Team A will win the game.

5. Some other uses of simple future tense

  • For promises – My sister will help me clean the house.
  • For requests – Will you come to my birthday party?
  • For offers – We will hire you for this job.
  • For refusal – I will not accept bribery.
  • To order something – I will have a small pizza and a Diet Coke.
  • For possibility – Maybe she will forgive you for this.

Contraction with Simple Future Tense

We can use the contracted form when using the simple future tense, especially in informal situations.

With Affirmative Sentences

We combine the subject and the auxiliary verb “will” to make the contraction.

  • I’ll watch a movie tonight. (I will – I’ll)
  • You’ll send an email to them. (You will – you’ll)
  • He’ll finish his work soon. (He will – he’ll)
  • She’ll join us next week. (She will – she’ll)
  • We’ll accept this offer. (We will – we’ll)
  • They’ll reject your proposal. (They will – they’ll)
  • I think it’ll rain tomorrow. (It will – it’ll)

With Negative Sentences

There are two ways to make contractions with negative simple future sentences.

  1. I will not – I’ll not  ( We combine the “subject” and the auxiliary verb “will”)
  2. I will not – I won’t ( We combine the auxiliary verb “will” and not)

You can say, “I’ll not watch a movie tonight.” Or, “I won’t watch a movie tonight.”   

  • You’ll not (You won’t) send an email to them. 
  •  He’ll not (He won’t) finish his work soon. 
  • She’ll not (She won’t) join us next week. 
  • We’ll not (We won’t) accept this offer. 
  • They’ll not (They won’t) reject your proposal. 
  • I think it’ll not (it won’t) rain tomorrow. 

With Interrogative Negative Sentences

For interrogative negative simple future sentences, use the below structure.

Won’t + Subject + Verb (Main verb) + Object?

  • Won’t watch a movie tonight?
  • Won’t you send an email to them?
  • Won’t he finish his work soon?
  • Won’t she join us next week?
  • Won’t we accept this offer?
  • Won’t they reject your proposal?
  • Won’t it rain tomorrow?
  • Won’t William meet us at the airport?

Use Of Shall

Earlier, “shall” was usually used with the subjects “I‘ and “we” in future tense sentences. These days, however, it is not very common to use “shall” in modern English.

Instead, “will” is used with all the subjects (I, you, we, he, she, and it) for future tense sentences. But, there are a few situations where you can use shall

Let’s see when we use shall

1. We can use shall to ask a question in a polite way. 

  • Shall I order a pizza for you? 
  • Shall we invite them to dinner? 

2. When asking for a suggestion or opinion, we can use shall.

  • Where shall I go? 
  • What shall we do now? 
  • Shall I book tickets for tomorrow’s flight? 

3. We can also express formal obligation using shall. 

  • The passengers shall go through security checks before boarding the flight. 
  • The audience shall not use their phones during the show. 

4. We can use shall to make an offer. 

  • Shall I help you with your project? 
  • Shall I wait here for you? 
  • Shall I drop you off somewhere? 

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