Abstract Noun List | 150+ Common Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns are the special words that help us describe thoughts, emotions, and qualities that aren’t physical. Below, you’ll discover the abstract noun list with examples to understand their use. You’ll find words for things we can’t touch but still feel, like “love,” “happiness,” and “courage.” These words might not be things you can hold, but they’re important because they help us express our deepest thoughts and feelings.

What Are Abstract Nouns?

Before we dive into the abstract noun list, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what abstract nouns are. You already know about regular nouns – they’re words for things you can see and touch, like “cat,” “table,” or “book.” Abstract nouns are a bit different.

Abstract nouns are special words that stand for things you can’t touch, like feelings, qualities, or ideas. Think about words such as “joy,” “sadness,” “bravery,” or “peace.” These words don’t represent physical things, but they represent important parts of our lives.

Imagine a big heart full of all these special feelings and thoughts that make us who we are. Abstract nouns help us put names to these feelings and ideas, even if they’re not something we can pick up or touch.

Abstract Noun List

Here is the comprehensive list of common abstract nouns, grouped into categories like Personal Qualities, Emotions, States, Concepts, Ideas, etc. Explore these words that express different aspects of life and feelings.

Abstract Noun ListPersonal Qualities

  • Poverty
  • Wisdom
  • Strength
  • Bravery
  • Kindness
  • Cleverness
  • Gentleness
  • Humility
  • Patience
  • Cunningness
  • Courage
  • Carelessness
  • Stupidity
  • Dependence
  • Friendliness
  • Greed
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Honesty

Abstract Noun ListEmotions/Feelings

  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Hope
  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Confidence
  • Loneliness
  • Anxiety
  • Envy
  • Contentment
  • Guilt
  • Elation
  • Disgust
  • Pity
  • Pride
  • Regret
  • Satisfaction
  • Shock
  • Awe
  • Remorse

Abstract Noun ListStates/Conditions

  • Health
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Hunger
  • Weariness
  • Thirst
  • Exhaustion
  • Alertness
  • Coma
  • Liveliness
  • Quench
  • Agitation
  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Activity
  • Sluggishness
  • Vibrancy
  • Inactivity
  • Energy
  • Restlessness

Abstract Noun ListConcepts/Ideas

  • Goodness
  • Evilness
  • Beauty
  • Truth
  • Innovation
  • Dishonesty
  • Ugliness
  • Integrity
  • Creativity
  • Corruption
  • Genuineness
  • Equality
  • Originality
  • Deception
  • Sincerity
  • Excellence
  • Authenticity
  • Fairness
  • Imitation
  • Morality

Abstract Noun ListKnowledge/Intellectual Qualities

  • Intelligence
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Logic
  • Inquisitiveness
  • Analysis
  • Imagination
  • Rationality
  • Knowledge
  • Philosophy
  • Academics
  • Wisdom
  • Intellect
  • Intuition
  • Cognition
  • Problem-solving
  • Learning
  • Insight
  • Perception
  • Enlightenment

Abstract Noun ListTime/Space

  • Speed
  • Size
  • Smallness
  • Length
  • Quickness
  • Magnitude
  • Minuteness
  • Duration
  • Swiftness
  • Bigness
  • Littleness
  • Eternity
  • Rapidity
  • Briefness
  • Giganticness
  • Microscopicness
  • Protraction
  • Immediacy
  • Distance

Abstract Noun ListNature/Environment

  • Coldness
  • Heat
  • Darkness
  • Brightness
  • Warmth
  • Chilliness
  • Gloominess
  • Radiance
  • Freezing
  • Obscureness
  • Glow
  • Frigidity
  • Scorchingness
  • Murkiness
  • Gleam
  • Iciness
  • Shadiness
  • Glare

Abstract Noun ListMoral/Value-Based

  • Generosity
  • Honesty
  • Kindness
  • Patience
  • Greed
  • Dishonesty
  • Cruelty
  • Impatience
  • Selfishness
  • Compassion
  • Sincerity
  • Ruthlessness
  • Forgiveness
  • Deceit
  • Empathy
  • Mercilessness
  • Tolerance
  • Greediness
  • Altruism
  • Virtue

Abstract Noun List: Explanation and Example Sentences

  1. Poverty:
    • Explanation: The state of being extremely poor or lacking basic necessities and resources.
    • Example sentence: Despite working hard, the family’s persistent poverty made it challenging to meet their daily needs.
  2. Wisdom:
    • Explanation: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
    • Example sentence: Her wisdom in handling complex situations helped the team navigate through tough times.
  3. Strength:
    • Explanation: The physical, mental, or emotional capacity to endure hardships or challenges.
    • Example sentence: She found the strength within herself to overcome her fears and pursue her dreams.
  4. Bravery:
    • Explanation: Courageous behavior or the quality of being fearless in facing danger or difficulties.
    • Example sentence: The firefighter’s bravery in rescuing people from the burning building was commendable.
  5. Kindness:
    • Explanation: The quality of being friendly, considerate, and compassionate towards others.
    • Example sentence: Her kindness towards the homeless person touched the hearts of many in the community.
  6. Cleverness:
    • Explanation: The ability to think quickly and effectively to solve problems or come up with innovative solutions.
    • Example sentence: The cleverness of the detective allowed him to solve the mystery in record time.
  7. Gentleness:
    • Explanation: Having a mild and calm demeanor, showing tenderness and care in actions and speech.
    • Example sentence: The nurse treated the patients with such gentleness that it eased their discomfort.
  8. Humility:
    • Explanation: Modesty or a lack of arrogance; the quality of being humble and not overly proud.
    • Example sentence: Despite his achievements, his humility made him approachable and well-liked.
  9. Patience:
    • Explanation: The capacity to remain calm and tolerant, especially in challenging or trying situations.
    • Example sentence: Teaching requires a lot of patience, especially when dealing with young children.
  10. Cunningness:
    • Explanation: The quality of being clever in a deceitful or manipulative way.
    • Example sentence: His cunningness in business negotiations often resulted in advantageous deals for his company.
  11. Courage:
    • Explanation: The ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
    • Example sentence: Her courage to speak up against injustice inspired others to do the same.
  12. Carelessness:
    • Explanation: Lack of attention, caution, or concern about consequences.
    • Example sentence: His carelessness with the fragile items led to several accidents.
  13. Dependence:
    • Explanation: The state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something.
    • Example sentence: His dependence on his parents for financial support hindered his independence.
  14. Pride:
    • Explanation: A feeling of satisfaction or self-respect derived from one’s achievements or qualities.
    • Example sentence: His pride in his daughter’s success was evident in his beaming smile.
  15. Friendliness:
    • Explanation: The quality of being kind, pleasant, and amiable towards others.
    • Example sentence: Her friendliness made it easy for her to make new acquaintances.
  16. Greed:
    • Explanation: An intense desire for wealth, possessions, or power beyond what is needed.
    • Example sentence: His greed for money led him to make unethical choices in business.
  17. Thoughtfulness:
    • Explanation: Showing consideration and care for others’ feelings and needs.
    • Example sentence: His thoughtfulness in remembering her birthday touched her deeply.
  18. Honesty:
    • Explanation: Truthfulness and sincerity in actions, speech, and character.
    • Example sentence: Her honesty in admitting the mistake gained her colleagues’ trust.
  19. Stupidity:
    • Explanation: Lack of intelligence, understanding, or common sense.
    • Example sentence: Her decision to drive without a seatbelt was an act of sheer stupidity.
  20. Happiness:
    • Explanation: A feeling of joy, contentment, or pleasure.
    • Example sentence: Winning the competition filled her with overwhelming happiness.
  21. Sadness:
    • Explanation: The feeling of unhappiness, sorrow, or disappointment.
    • Example sentence: The movie’s ending brought tears of sadness to many viewers.
  22. Fear:
    • Explanation: An unpleasant emotion caused by the anticipation of danger, pain, or harm.
    • Example sentence: Her fear of heights prevented her from going on the roller coaster.
  23. Hope:
    • Explanation: A feeling of expectation or desire for something to happen or improve.
    • Example sentence: Despite the challenges, they held onto hope for a better future.
  24. Anger:
    • Explanation: A strong feeling of displeasure or annoyance is often accompanied by a desire to retaliate.
    • Example sentence: His anger flared up when he discovered the betrayal.
  25. Jealousy:
    • Explanation: The feeling of resentment or envy towards someone else’s success or advantages.
    • Example sentence: Her jealousy towards her colleague’s promotion affected their friendship.
  26. Confidence:
    • Explanation: A feeling of self-assurance and belief in one’s abilities or judgments.
    • Example sentence: Her confidence in her presentation skills helped her ace the interview.
  27. Loneliness:
    • Explanation: The feeling of being alone or isolated, is often accompanied by sadness.
    • Example sentence: After moving to a new city, he experienced deep loneliness without familiar faces.
  28. Anxiety:
    • Explanation: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about an imminent event or uncertain outcome.
    • Example sentence: Her anxiety before the exam made it difficult to concentrate.
  29. Envy:
    • Explanation: A feeling of discontent or resentment aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.
    • Example sentence: His envy of his colleague’s success led to strained relationships at work.
  30. Contentment:
    • Explanation: A state of happiness and satisfaction with one’s circumstances or achievements.
    • Example sentence: In the tranquility of the countryside, she found contentment away from the city’s chaos.
  31. Guilt:
    • Explanation: A feeling of remorse or responsibility for having committed wrongdoing.
    • Example sentence: Her guilt over forgetting her friend’s birthday made her apologize sincerely.
  32. Elation:
    • Explanation: A feeling of great happiness or exhilaration.
    • Example sentence: Winning the championship filled the team with pure elation.
  33. Disgust:
    • Explanation: A strong feeling of revulsion or disapproval towards something unpleasant or offensive.
    • Example sentence: The sight of littered trash filled him with disgust for the lack of environmental care.
  34. Pity:
    • Explanation: A feeling of sorrow or compassion for the suffering or misfortune of others.
    • Example sentence: Their stories of hardship stirred feelings of pity among the audience.
  35. Regret:
    • Explanation: A feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that happened or was done.
    • Example sentence: She felt deep regret for not pursuing her passion earlier in life.
  36. Satisfaction:
    • Explanation: The feeling of contentment or fulfillment derived from achieving or fulfilling one’s desires.
    • Example sentence: Completing the project ahead of schedule gave her a sense of satisfaction.
  37. Shock:
    • Explanation: A sudden and strong feeling of surprise, disbelief, or dismay.
    • Example sentence: The unexpected news of his promotion left him in a state of shock.
  38. Awe:
    • Explanation: A feeling of reverence, wonder, or admiration often mixed with fear or amazement.
    • Example sentence: The majestic beauty of the Grand Canyon filled them with awe.
  39. Remorse:
    • Explanation: A feeling of reverence, wonder, or admiration often mixed with fear or amazement.
    • Example sentence: He felt deep remorse for not standing up for his friends when they needed him.
  40. Health:
    • Explanation: The overall condition of the body and mind, free from illness or injury.
    • Example sentence: Regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute to good health.
  41. Fatigue:
    • Explanation: Extreme tiredness resulting from physical or mental exertion.
    • Example sentence: After the marathon, she experienced overwhelming fatigue.
  42. Sleepiness:
    • Explanation: The feeling of needing or wanting to sleep.
    • Example sentence: His sleepiness during the lecture indicated a lack of rest.
  43. Hunger:
    • Explanation: The physical sensation or need for food.
    • Example sentence: The long hike left them with a strong feeling of hunger.
  44. Weariness:
    • Explanation: A state of tiredness or fatigue, often after a prolonged period of exertion.
    • Example sentence: After the long work week, she felt a deep sense of weariness.
  45. Thirst:
    • Explanation: The sensation or need for fluids to hydrate the body.
    • Example sentence: The hot weather increased their thirst for cold water.
  46. Exhaustion:
    • Explanation: Extreme fatigue or weariness to the point of complete depletion of energy.
    • Example sentence: The rigorous training session led to total exhaustion.
  47. Alertness:
    • Explanation: A state of being attentive, awake, and mentally sharp.
    • Example sentence: His alertness during the meeting allowed him to grasp all the details.
  48. Coma:
    • Explanation: A prolonged state of unconsciousness where a person cannot be awakened.
    • Example sentence: After the accident, he remained in a coma for several days.
  49. Liveliness:
    • Explanation: The quality of being full of life, energy, or enthusiasm.
    • Example sentence: The children’s party was filled with liveliness and laughter.
  50. Quench:
    • Explanation: The act of satisfying one’s thirst or desires.
    • Example sentence: After a long day’s work, a cold drink can effectively quench your thirst.
  51. Agitation:
    • Explanation: A state of nervousness, restlessness, or disturbance.
    • Example sentence: The constant noise outside caused a feeling of agitation in the classroom.
  52. Lethargy:
    • Explanation: A state of tiredness or lack of energy and enthusiasm.
    • Example sentence: After the heavy meal, she felt a sense of lethargy and didn’t want to move.
  53. Drowsiness:
    • Explanation: The state of feeling sleepy or on the verge of falling asleep.
    • Example sentence: The warm and cozy room induced a sense of drowsiness in him.
  54. Activity:
    • Explanation: The state of being busy, engaged, or involved in actions.
    • Example sentence: The city park buzzed with activity during the weekend.
  55. Sluggishness:
    • Explanation: A state of slow responsiveness, lacking energy or quickness.
    • Example sentence: The medicine made him feel a sense of sluggishness throughout the day.
  56. Vibrancy:
    • Explanation: The state of being lively, vivid, or full of energy.
    • Example sentence: The cultural festival was a celebration of colors and vibrancy.
  57. Inactivity:
    • Explanation: The state of being inactive, lacking action or movement.
    • Example sentence: During the winter break, he experienced a period of inactivity.
  58. Energy:
    • Explanation: The capacity or power for doing work or producing change; vitality.
    • Example sentence: Regular exercise helps to boost one’s energy levels.
  59. Restlessness:
    • Explanation: The state of being unable to stay still, calm, or relaxed due to agitation or boredom.
    • Example sentence: The children’s restlessness indicated they needed to play outside.

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