Transitive Verbs List: 100 Transitive Verbs with Example Sentences

Transitive Verbs List: Transitive verbs are action words that transfer the action to an object. They are a specific category of verbs that requires both a subject and a direct object to complete the action. The direct object is the receiver of the action performed by the subject. However, not all verbs are transitive; some are intransitive, meaning they don’t need a direct object to make sense. Therefore, it is important to get the hang of both transitive and intransitive verbs to ensure your sentences are not only grammatically sound but also make sense.

Transitive Verbs List

Transitive Verbs List

Transitive Verbs List: 100 Transitive Verbs with Example Sentences

Discover the meanings of these 100 transitive verbs and see how they’re used in sentences below.

Transitive Verbs List: Meaning and Examples

  1. Accept: To take or receive something.
    • Example: She accepted the gift with a smile.
  2. Achieve: To successfully finish or reach a goal.
    • Example: He worked hard to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.
  3. Admire: To think highly of or like someone or something.
    • Example: We admire her kindness and generosity.
  4. Advise: To give suggestions or recommendations.
    • Example: The teacher advised the students on how to prepare for the exam.
  5. Analyze: To study and understand in detail.
    • Example: Scientists analyze data to learn about the environment.
  6. Apprehend: To catch or arrest.
    • Example: The police officer apprehended the suspect.
  7. Approve: To say something is good or okay.
    • Example: The committee approved the proposal for the new park.
  8. Attack: To act aggressively against someone or something.
    • Example: The lion attacked its prey in the wild.
  9. Bake: To cook in an oven.
    • Example: She likes to bake cookies for her friends.
  10. Build: To create or construct.
    • Example: They decided to build a new house.
  11. Buy: To get something by paying for it.
    • Example: I need to buy groceries for dinner.
  12. Calculate: To figure out using math.
    • Example: The students were asked to calculate the sum of the numbers.
  13. Capture: To catch or take control of something.
    • Example: The photographer captured the beautiful sunset.
  14. Carry: To move or transport something.
    • Example: Could you please help me carry these bags?
  15. Challenge: To question or test.
    • Example: The puzzle challenged our problem-solving skills.
  16. Change: To make something different.
    • Example: They decided to change the color of the walls.
  17. Chase: To run after to catch.
    • Example: The kids love to chase butterflies in the garden.
  18. Choose: To pick or select.
    • Example: Please choose your favorite flavor of ice cream.
  19. Collect: To gather things together.
    • Example: She likes to collect stamps from different countries.
  20. Conquer: To defeat or take control of.
    • Example: The army planned to conquer the enemy’s territory.
  21. Construct: To build or put together.
    • Example: The builders will construct a new bridge.
  22. Convince: To persuade or make someone believe.
    • Example: He tried to convince his friends to join the adventure.
  23. Cook: To prepare food.
    • Example: Can you cook dinner tonight?
  24. Create: To make something new.
    • Example: Artists create beautiful paintings.
  25. Crush: To press or squeeze.
    • Example: She crushed the garlic for the pasta sauce.
  26. Cut: To divide or separate with a tool.
    • Example: The chef used a knife to cut the vegetables.
  27. Decorate: To make something look better.
    • Example: They will decorate the room for the party.
  28. Defend: To protect from harm.
    • Example: The superhero will defend the city from villains.
  29. Describe: To explain or tell about something.
    • Example: Can you describe the movie you watched?
  30. Design: To plan how something will look.
    • Example: The architect will design the new building.
  31. Destroy: To break or ruin completely.
    • Example: The storm threatened to destroy the small village.
  32. Develop: To make progress or grow.
    • Example: The country aims to develop its economy.
  33. Discover: To find something for the first time.
    • Example: Scientists hope to discover new species in the rainforest.
  34. Draw: To make pictures with a pencil or pen.
    • Example: She likes to draw animals and landscapes.
  35. Earn: To get money for work done.
    • Example: He works hard to earn a living.
  36. Educate: To teach or provide knowledge.
    • Example: Teachers educate students in various subjects.
  37. Elect: To choose a position through voting.
    • Example: Citizens will elect a new president.
  38. Embarrass: To make someone feel uncomfortable.
    • Example: She was embarrassed when she tripped in front of everyone.
  39. Employ: To hire or give a job to someone.
    • Example: The company decided to employ new graduates.
  40. Encourage: To give support or motivation.
    • Example: Parents encourage their children to do their best.
  41. Enjoy: To find pleasure in something.
    • Example: They enjoy spending time together.
  42. Enlist: To join or sign up.
    • Example: Many young people choose to enlist in the military.
  43. Establish: To create or set up.
    • Example: The government aims to establish new policies.
  44. Evaluate: To judge or assess.
    • Example: Managers regularly evaluate employee performance.
  45. Examine: To look closely at something.
    • Example: The doctor will examine the patient’s eyes.
  46. Execute: To carry out a plan or order.
    • Example: The chef will execute the recipe with precision.
  47. Experiment: To try something to see what happens.
    • Example: Scientists experiment to discover new things.
  48. Explain: To make something clear.
    • Example: Can you explain how the machine works?
  49. Explore: To look into or investigate.
    • Example: The adventurers will explore the mysterious cave.
  50. Fabricate: To create or make up.
    • Example: He decided to fabricate a story to entertain his friends.
  51. Follow: To go after or come after.
    • Example: She likes to follow her favorite celebrities on social media.
  52. Frame: To put in a frame or structure.
    • Example: The artist will frame the beautiful painting.
  53. Gather: To bring together or collect.
    • Example: Families gather for Thanksgiving dinner.
  54. Generate: To produce or create.
    • Example: The wind turbines generate electricity.
  55. Grasp: To hold or understand.
    • Example: It took a while for him to grasp the concept.
  56. Guide: To show the way or give directions.
    • Example: The tour guide will guide us through the museum.
  57. Handle: To touch or manage.
    • Example: Please handle the fragile items with care.
  58. Help: To assist or give aid.
    • Example: Friends help each other in times of need.
  59. Hunt: To chase and capture animals.
    • Example: In the past, people had to hunt for food.
  60. Identify: To recognize or name.
    • Example: Can you identify the different types of birds?
  61. Illuminate: To light up.
    • Example: The streetlights will illuminate the dark road.
  62. Illustrate: To explain with pictures.
    • Example: The book is illustrated with colorful drawings.
  63. Implement: To put a plan into action.
    • Example: The company will implement new strategies for growth.
  64. Improve: To make better.
    • Example: Regular exercise can improve your health.
  65. Instruct: To teach or give directions.
    • Example: The teacher will instruct the students on how to solve the problem.
  66. Integrate: To combine or mix.
    • Example: The goal is to integrate new ideas into the project.
  67. Invent: To create something new.
    • Example: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
  68. Investigate: To look into or examine.
    • Example: The detective will investigate the mysterious case.
  69. Judge: To form an opinion about.
    • Example: It’s not fair to judge someone without knowing the whole story.
  70. Launch: To start or send off.
    • Example: The Company will launch a new product next month.
  71. Learn: To gain knowledge or skill.
    • Example: Children learn from their parents and teachers.
  72. Locate: To find or discover the place.
    • Example: Can you help me locate my keys?
  73. Maintain: To keep in good condition.
    • Example: It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  74. Manage: To control or handle.
    • Example: Managers are responsible for organizing and managing tasks.
  75. Manipulate: To handle or control skillfully.
    • Example: The magician can manipulate cards with precision.
  76. Master: To become very skilled at.
    • Example: It takes time to master a musical instrument.
  77. Modify: To change or alter.
    • Example: The designer will modify the logo for the new campaign.
  78. Navigate: To guide or direct a course.
    • Example: Sailors use navigational tools to navigate the open sea.
  79. Observe: To watch or notice.
    • Example: Scientists observe the behavior of animals in their natural habitat.
  80. Obtain: To get or acquire.
    • Example: Students need to obtain permission to enter the library.
  81. Operate: To control or use.
    • Example: Only trained professionals can operate heavy machinery.
  82. Overcome: To succeed in dealing with a problem.
    • Example: Harry worked hard to overcome his fear of public speaking.
  83. Paint: To put color on a surface.
    • Example: The artist will paint a beautiful landscape.
  84. Perform: To do or carry out a task.
    • Example: The band will perform their new song on stage.
  85. Persuade: To convince or influence.
    • Example: The salesperson tried to persuade the customer to buy the product.
  86. Plan: To make arrangements for the future.
    • Example: Let’s plan a trip for the summer vacation.
  87. Prepare: To get ready for something.
    • Example: It’s important to prepare for exams in advance.
  88. Produce: To make or create.
    • Example: The factory produces thousands of cars every month.
  89. Program: To write code for a computer.
    • Example: Programmers write code to create software applications.
  90. Promote: To help grow or advance.
    • Example: The Company will promote the new product through advertisements.
  91. Protect: To keep safe or defend.
    • Example: It’s the duty of the police to protect the citizens.
  92. Provide: To give or supply.
    • Example: The organization will provide food and shelter for the homeless.
  93. Pursue: To follow or chase after.
    • Example: Lisa decided to pursue a career in medicine.
  94. Question: To ask or inquire.
    • Example: The committee will question the witness during the investigation.
  95. Read: To look at and understand written words.
    • Example: They asked me to read the instructions carefully.
  96. Realize: To become aware of or understand.
    • Example: It took him a while to realize his mistake.
  97. Reveal: To show or make known.
    • Example: The magician will reveal the secret behind the trick.
  98. Revise: To review and make changes.
    • Example: Writers often revise their drafts before publishing.
  99. Select: To choose or pick out.
    • Example: Please select your preferred color from the options.
  100. Solve: To find an answer or solution.
    • Example: Mathematicians work to solve complex equations.

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