Adverbs of Frequency Explained: List and Real-Life Examples

Imagine you’re having a conversation with a friend, and they ask you, “How often do you go to the gym?” Your response might include words like “never,” “usually,” or “always.” These words belong to a category known as adverbs of frequency, and their job is to tell us how often an action occurs. 

What Are Adverbs of Frequency?

Adverbs of frequency are special words in English that tell us how often something happens. They help us describe if an action occurs all the time, usually, sometimes, rarely, or never. These words, like “always,” “often,” and “never,” make it easier to talk about how frequently we do things in everyday life.

Let’s dive into some examples of adverbs of frequency:

  • I always have black coffee in the morning.
  • John usually goes for a run after work.
  • They sometimes eat out on weekends.
  • He rarely watches TV.
  • We never skip our English class.

Common Adverbs of Frequency Examples

Adverbs of frequency help us paint a clear picture of the frequency of actions in our daily lives. Below are some common adverbs of frequency examples and usage. These adverbs can be your trusty companions when you want to convey how often you do something.

AlwaysIndicates that something happens all the time or on every occasion.– She always arrives at work 10 minutes early. – He always tells the truth.
UsuallySuggests that something happens most of the time or in the general case.– I usually have cereal for breakfast. – They usually go to the gym on weekends.
OftenImplies frequent occurrences but not necessarily every time.– Jack often visits his parents on weekends. – He often forgets his keys.
SometimesIndicates occasional or irregular frequency, not too often.Sometimes it rains in the afternoon. – I sometimes eat dessert after dinner.
RarelySuggests infrequent occurrences, almost the opposite of “often.”– He rarely goes to the theater. – We rarely see each other nowadays.
SeldomSimilar to “rarely,” signifies infrequent events or actions.– She seldom attends social gatherings. – He seldom takes a day off from work.
FrequentlyDenotes a high degree of occurrence, happening often.– They travel frequently for business. – He frequently checks his emails.
RegularlySuggests consistent and repeated actions at specific intervals.– She exercises regularly at the gym three times a week. – We meet regularly for team meetings.
NeverSignifies the complete absence of an action or event.– He’s a vegetarian; he never eats meat. – They never miss their morning walk.
EverCommonly used in questions to ask if something has occurred at any time.– Have you ever travelled abroad? – Have you ever tasted sushi?

Placement of Adverbs of Frequency

The placement of adverbs of frequency in English is important because it affects the meaning and structure of a sentence. Adverbs of frequency are typically placed in specific positions within a sentence, and their placement can vary depending on the type of sentence you’re constructing. Here’s an elaboration on the placement of adverbs of frequency in various sentence structures:

1. Positive Sentences:

In positive sentences, the adverb of frequency comes before the main verb. This placement helps convey how often the action is happening. For instance, in the first sentence, “always” tells us that the action of enjoying reading books happens all the time.

  • I always enjoy reading books.
  • She usually arrives early for class.

2. Questions:

When asking questions, we usually place the adverb of frequency after the helping verb (e.g., do, does, did, will) but before the main verb. This pattern helps us inquire about the frequency of an action.

  • Do you always eat breakfast?
  • Does she usually stay up late?

3. Negative Sentences:

In negative sentences, the adverb of frequency also comes before the main verb. However, when we use helping verbs like “doesn’t” (short for “does not”) or “haven’t” (short for “have not”), the adverb stays close to the helping verb.

  • She doesn’t usually eat fast food.
  • They haven’t often visited that museum.

4. Imperative Sentences:

In imperative sentences (commands), adverbs of frequency are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis.

  • Always remember to lock the front door when you leave.
  • Never forget to turn off the lights when you’re not in the room.

5. Short Answers:

In short answers, adverbs of frequency are placed after the subject and the auxiliary verb, if present.

  • “Did you study for the test?” – “Yes, I always do.”
  • “Have you been to London?” – “No, I never have.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While using adverbs of frequency is relatively straightforward, there are some common mistakes that English learners often make. Understanding these mistakes will help you use these adverbs more accurately.  

1. Misplacing Adverbs: One of the most common mistakes is misplacing adverbs of frequency within a sentence. Remember that these adverbs typically come before the main verb:

  • Incorrect: “I eat always pizza.”
  • Correct: “I always eat pizza.”

The correct placement is “always eat,” not “eat always.”

2. Omitting the Main Verb: Sometimes, learners forget to include the main verb in a sentence, leaving only the adverb:

  • Incorrect: “He never to the gym.”
  • Correct: “He never goes to the gym.”

Always make sure to include the main verb to complete the sentence.

3. Using Double Negatives: In negative sentences, using double negatives can lead to confusion. Avoid using both “not” and a negative adverb in the same sentence:

  • Incorrect: “She doesn’t never watch TV.”
  • Correct: “She never watches TV.”

Using “doesn’t” (a negative) and “never” (also negative) together is redundant and incorrect.

4. Overusing Extreme Adverbs: While adverbs like “always” and “never” are useful, be cautious about overusing them. In many situations, actions occur with varying frequency. Try to use a variety of adverbs to express different levels of frequency:

  • Instead of always saying, “I always eat pizza,” you can say, “I usually eat pizza,” or “I often eat pizza.”

5. Ignoring Word Order in Questions: When asking questions with adverbs of frequency, maintain the correct word order. The adverb usually comes after the helping verb but before the main verb:

  • Incorrect: “Do you eat always breakfast?”
  • Correct: “Do you always eat breakfast?”

In questions, ensure that the adverb is in the correct position.

Using Adverbs of Frequency in Real-Life Situations

Using adverbs of frequency makes your English sound more natural and expressive in everyday conversations. Let’s dive into some real-life scenarios where adverbs of frequency shine:

1. At Work: In the workplace, adverbs of frequency help you talk about routine tasks and schedules. You can discuss how often you attend meetings, complete projects, or interact with colleagues.

  • “I usually have a meeting with my boss on Wednesdays.”
  • “Our team always submits expense reports on time.”

2. Health and Fitness: When discussing health and fitness routines, adverbs of frequency enable you to express habits and choices. You can describe how often you work out, eat nutritious meals, or avoid unhealthy snacks.

  • “He always exercises in the morning.”
  • “She never eats junk food.”

3. Entertainment: Adverbs of frequency come in handy when talking about leisure activities. You can share how frequently you engage in hobbies like going to the movies, watching TV, or playing video games.

  • “They rarely go to the cinema.”
  • “My wife and I often watch TV shows on weekends.”

4. Relationships: These adverbs help you navigate the terrain of personal relationships. You can express the frequency of certain behaviors or actions within your interactions with friends, family, or partners.

  • “We never argue about trivial matters.”
  • “She always remembers our anniversary.”

5. Daily Routines: Adverbs of frequency are perfect for describing your daily activities and habits. You can share details about your morning routines, meal preferences, and relaxation habits.

  • “I usually wake up at 6 AM.”
  • “They sometimes take a nap in the afternoon.”

List of Adverbs of Frequency

Here is a list of adverbs of frequency in English…







Hardly ever











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