Phrasal verbs with “take” are widely used in everyday English, often carrying meanings that differ from the base verb. Understanding these expressions will help you communicate more naturally and effectively. For example, “take off” can mean to remove something or for a plane to depart, while “take up” refers to starting a new activity.
Since these phrasal verbs don’t always follow literal meanings, learning how they work is essential for clear communication. This guide covers common phrasal verbs with “take,” providing meanings and examples to help you use them confidently.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE Meaning and Examples
Below are common phrasal verbs with ‘take.’ Their meanings can change depending on the context, so understanding how they are used in different situations is important.
Take After – Meaning and Examples
To resemble a family member
“Take after” is used when someone has physical traits, personality, or behavior similar to that of a parent or relative.
- Emma takes after her father in both looks and humor.
- David takes after his grandfather, who was also an excellent storyteller.
- My sister takes after our mother’s kindness and patience.
Take Apart – Meaning and Examples
To separate something into pieces
“Take apart” means to disassemble something, often for repair, examination, or destruction.
- Michael took apart the old clock to see how it worked.
- She carefully took apart her laptop to clean the internal fan.
- We had to take apart the bookshelf before moving it upstairs.
Take Back – Meaning and Examples
To retract a statement or return something
“Take back” is used when someone withdraws a comment or returns an item.
- Jake regretted his words and wanted to take them back.
- Sophia took back the dress after realizing it had a defect.
- I shouldn’t have said that—I take it back.
Take Down – Meaning and Examples
To write something down
“Take down” is often used when recording notes or important information.
- Liam took down the professor’s instructions during the lecture.
- Could you take down my email address for future contact?
- The secretary took down every detail of the meeting.
To remove something from a higher position
“Take down” can also mean to lower or dismantle something.
- We need to take down the decorations after the party.
- Charlotte took down the painting to clean the wall behind it.
- The workers took down the old sign to replace it with a new one.
Take In – Meaning and Examples
To absorb information
“Take in” refers to understanding or processing new knowledge.
- Ethan tried to take in all the details of the complicated contract.
- She needed a moment to take in the shocking news.
- I was so tired that I couldn’t take in anything the teacher said.
To allow someone to stay
“Take in” can also mean providing shelter or welcoming someone.
- Olivia’s family took in a lost puppy they found in the park.
- After losing his job, Daniel’s aunt took him in for a few months.
- The shelter takes in stray cats and dogs every winter.
Take Off – Meaning and Examples
To remove something (especially clothing or accessories)
“Take off” is used when removing an item from the body.
- Noah took off his glasses and rubbed his tired eyes.
- She took off her heels as soon as she got home.
- You should take off your scarf if you’re feeling warm.
For an airplane to depart
“Take off” also means when a plane leaves the ground.
- Our flight took off earlier than scheduled.
- Mia watched as the plane took off into the cloudy sky.
- The pilot announced that they would take off in five minutes.
To become successful quickly
“Take off” can also mean achieving rapid success.
- Liam’s new business took off after just a few months.
- That song took off on social media and became a global hit.
- Her acting career took off after she starred in a major film.
Take On – Meaning and Examples
To accept a responsibility or challenge
“Take on” is used when someone agrees to do something challenging or new.
- Lucas took on extra shifts to save money for his vacation.
- Emily took on the responsibility of organizing the event.
- The coach encouraged the team to take on the toughest opponents.
Take Out – Meaning and Examples
To remove something from a place
“Take out” is commonly used when removing objects.
- Can you take out the recycling before dinner?
- James took out his notebook and started writing.
- She took out her phone to check the time.
To invite someone on a date
“Take out” can also mean going out with someone, especially for food or entertainment.
- Olivia’s boyfriend took her out for a fancy dinner.
- Ben offered to take Emily out for coffee after work.
- They decided to take their parents out for a weekend brunch.
Take Over – Meaning and Examples
To assume control of something
“Take over” is used when someone gains authority or takes charge.
- After his retirement, his daughter took over the family business.
- The substitute teacher took over when the professor got sick.
- A large company took over the small startup last year.
Take Up – Meaning and Examples
To start a new activity or hobby
“Take up” means to begin learning or doing something new.
- Sophie took up photography as a creative hobby.
- Ethan took up playing the guitar during the summer.
- After moving to the countryside, she took up gardening.
To occupy space or time
“Take up” can also refer to something filling time or space.
- The new bookshelf takes up too much space in the living room.
- Preparing for the competition took up most of his week.
- Her new job takes up all her free time.
Take Aside – Meaning and Examples
To speak to someone privately
“Take aside” is used when pulling someone away from a group to have a private conversation, often for an important or serious matter.
- The manager took her aside to discuss the promotion.
- Before the meeting, Mark took me aside to share some advice.
- The coach took Liam aside to give him feedback on his performance.
Take Down a Notch – Meaning and Examples
To reduce someone’s confidence or arrogance
“Take down a notch” means humbling someone who is acting overly proud or arrogant.
- After bragging about his skills, the loss in the game really took him down a notch.
- The teacher’s criticism took her confidence down a notch, but she learned from it.
- His rude behavior was finally taken down a notch when he got called out.
Take For – Meaning and Examples
To mistakenly believe someone is something else
“Take for” is used when making an incorrect assumption about someone’s identity or intentions.
- Sorry, I took you for someone else from a distance.
- He took her for an employee, but she was actually the owner.
- I took him for a tourist because of his camera and map.
Take Off After – Meaning and Examples
To chase or pursue someone
“Take off after” means to run after someone, often in pursuit.
- The police took off after the thief when he ran from the store.
- As soon as the dog saw the cat, it took off after it.
- She took off after her little brother when he ran toward the road.
Take Out On – Meaning and Examples
To direct frustration or anger toward someone who is not responsible
“Take out on” is used when someone unfairly expresses their stress or frustration toward another person.
- I know you’re upset, but don’t take it out on me.
- She had a rough day at work and took it out on her family.
- He took out his anger on his teammates after losing the game.
Take Through – Meaning and Examples
To explain something step by step
“Take through” is used when guiding someone through a process or explanation.
- The instructor took us through the safety procedures before the flight.
- Can you take me through how to use this software?
- The lawyer took her through the details of the contract.
Take To – Meaning and Examples
To develop a liking for something or someone
“Take to” is used when someone starts enjoying or adapting well to something.
- James took to painting quickly and became skilled.
- She took to her new job right away and fit in well.
- The baby took to her nanny almost immediately.
Take Up With – Meaning and Examples
To spend time with someone, often in a negative sense
“Take up with” is often used when someone associates with people who may have a bad influence.
- Since moving to the city, he has taken up with a rough crowd.
- Olivia’s parents were worried when she took up with older kids at school.
- After college, he took up with a group of artists and musicians.
Take in Stride – Meaning and Examples
To accept a situation without letting it upset you
“Take in stride” means handling a challenge or difficulty calmly and without overreacting.
- Despite the criticism, she took it in stride and kept working hard.
- He failed his first driving test but took it in stride.
- Losing the game was disappointing, but the team took it in stride and prepared for the next match.
Take Over From – Meaning and Examples
To replace someone in a position
“Take over from” is used when one person assumes another’s responsibilities or role.
- After retiring, she took over from her father as CEO.
- The new teacher took over from Mr. Johnson at the beginning of the year.
- He will take over from the outgoing president next month.