What are Interjections? Types of Interjections in English with Examples

Interjections in English

Interjections are an exciting part of the English language that often goes unnoticed, but they’re more common than you might think. These little words or phrases express emotions like surprise, joy, anger, or excitement. They can add feeling to your speech and writing, making conversations more natural and lively. Whether you’ve shouted “Wow!” when you saw something amazing or whispered “Oops” after a small mistake, you’ve already used interjections!

What Are Interjections?

Interjections, which fall under the parts of speech in English grammar, are short words or phrases that express strong feelings or sudden emotions. They often stand alone and do not interact grammatically with other words in a sentence. Examples include “Wow!”, “Oops!”, and “Ouch!”. While they may seem minor, interjections help convey tone, urgency, and emotion, making communication more expressive.

Key Characteristics of Interjections

  • Express emotion – They indicate surprise, joy, anger, frustration, or other feelings.
  • Stand alone – Most interjections function as complete expressions by themselves.
  • Flexible placement – They can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
  • Punctuation-dependent – Depending on tone, interjections can be followed by commas, periods, question marks, or exclamation points.

Types of Interjections

Interjections can be categorized based on their function and emotional impact. Below are the primary types:

Primary Interjections

Primary interjections are standalone words that have no other grammatical role in English. They exist solely as interjections and convey raw emotion. Examples include:

  • Wow! (Surprise)
  • Oh! (Realization)
  • Ouch! (Pain)
  • Ugh! (Disgust)
  • Oops! (Mistake or minor accident)

Secondary Interjections

Secondary interjections are regular words or phrases that can also be used as interjections. Examples include:

  • Great! (Approval)
  • Sure! (Agreement or sarcasm)
  • Well! (Introduction or hesitation)
  • Indeed! (Confirmation or emphasis)
  • Heck! (Mild expletive)

Emotive Interjections

Emotive interjections express sudden feelings such as excitement, surprise, pain, joy, or disgust. These words do not require a grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence and often stand alone. Examples include:

  • Yay! (Excitement or happiness)
  • Ugh! (Disgust or frustration)
  • Aww! (Affection or sympathy)
  • Yikes! (Shock or fear)
  • Hooray! (Celebration or cheer)

Volitive Interjections

Volitive interjections express commands, requests, warnings, or calls for attention. These interjections aim to prompt action or convey urgency. Examples include:

  • Shh! (Request for silence)
  • Hey! (Calling attention)
  • Stop! (Command)
  • Watch out! (Warning)
  • Come on! (Encouragement or frustration)

Cognitive Interjections

Cognitive interjections reflect mental processes such as realization, confusion, or thoughtfulness. They convey the speaker’s internal state rather than a direct emotion or command. Examples include:

  • Ah! (Understanding or realization)
  • Hmm… (Thinking or hesitation)
  • Oh! (Sudden awareness)
  • Eh? (Confusion or disbelief)
  • Aha! (Eureka moment or discovery)

Hesitation Markers

Hesitation markers are the natural pauses and fillers we use while thinking or when we’re unsure what to say next. They help us buy time while formulating our thoughts. Examples include:

  • Um… (Searching for words)
  • Uh… (Uncertainty or hesitation)
  • Er… (Awkward pause or uncertainty)
  • Well… (Softening a statement or transitioning)
  • Like… (Informal filler in speech)

Greeting Interjections

Greeting interjections are used in social interactions to address someone, welcome them, or say goodbye. These interjections help establish a friendly or polite tone. Examples include:

  • Hi! (Casual greeting)
  • Hello! (Neutral greeting)
  • Hey! (Informal greeting)
  • Yo! (Very informal greeting)
  • Bye! (Casual farewell)
  • Cheers! (Good wishes or toasting)

How Are Interjections Used in Sentences?

Interjections are unique because they don’t have a direct grammatical connection to other words in a sentence. Instead, they stand on their own or are set apart by punctuation. This makes them different from other parts of speech. Let’s see how interjections fit into sentences and help express feelings more vividly.

Interjections at the Beginning of a Sentence

Interjections can also be used at the start of a sentence to set the tone for what comes next. When placed at the beginning, they’re usually followed by a comma to separate them from the rest of the sentence.

“Oh, I left my keys on the table.”

“Hey, are you coming to the party later?”

Interjections in the Middle of a Sentence

Though less common, interjections can appear in the middle of a sentence. When they do, they’re often set off by commas or dashes to make them stand out. Placing an interjection in the middle can add drama or show that the speaker is thinking or reacting as they speak.

“I was walking through the park when, yikes, a squirrel jumped out of the bushes!”

“This recipe is, hmm, missing something. Maybe salt?”

Interjections at the End of a Sentence

Sometimes, an interjection can come at the end of a sentence to add a final touch of emotion or surprise. Ending a sentence with an interjection helps convey the speaker’s feelings after stating the main point.

“I can’t believe we finished the project on time, phew!”

“You remembered to bring the tickets, right? Good!”

Interjections and Punctuation

When using interjections in sentences, punctuation plays a key role in understanding the expression. Since interjections are short, the way you punctuate them can change the tone and meaning. An exclamation mark adds excitement or urgency, while a comma makes the interjection feel softer and less intense.

Exclamation Marks (!)

The most common punctuation mark used with interjections is the exclamation mark. It adds emphasis and shows that the emotion is strong or immediate.

“Wow! That was an amazing performance!”

“Ouch! I stubbed my toe!”

Commas (,)

Sometimes, interjections are not as intense, and you want to express a softer reaction or introduce the interjections into a sentence. In these cases, a comma is used after the interjections.

“Hmm, I’m not sure what to do next.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize it was your birthday today!”

Periods (.)

When a period is used, it changes the tone of the interjection to something more neutral or calm. This is suitable for more formal writing or when the emotion isn’t strong.

“Oh. I see what you mean now.”

Ellipses (…)

Ellipses are used when the speaker trails off or when a pause or an unfinished thought follows an interjection. This creates a sense of hesitation or uncertainty.

“Well… I guess we’ll have to try again.”

“Hmm… that sounds like a good idea, but I’m unsure.”

List of Interjections

Interjections in English
Psst!Go!Look!Hmm…I see!
Well done!Tsk-tsk!Meh!Darn!Shoot!
What!Gosh!Whoa!Holy moly!Oh my!

FAQs About Interjections

What are interjections in English?

Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotions, reactions, or spontaneous feelings. They are often standalone words and do not grammatically connect with the rest of a sentence. Examples include Wow!, Ouch!, and Oops!

What are some examples of interjections in English?

Common interjections include:
Excitement/Joy: Yay! Hooray!
Disgust/Frustration: Ugh! Eww!
Surprise/Fear: Yikes! Oh!
Pain: Ouch!
Affection/Sympathy: Aww!

What are the different types of interjections?

Interjections can be categorized into different types based on their function:
Emotive Interjections: Express emotions (Wow! Aww! Yay!)
Volitive Interjections: Give commands or warnings (Shh! Stop! Watch out!)
Cognitive Interjections: Reflect thoughts or realizations (Oh! Ah! Hmm!)
Hesitation Markers: Fill pauses in speech (Um… Uh… Well…)
Greeting Interjections: Used in social interactions (Hi! Hey! Bye!)

How do interjections differ from other parts of speech?

Unlike nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech that form the structure of a sentence, interjections function independently. They do not modify or relate to other words in a sentence but instead express spontaneous emotions or reactions.

Are interjections used in formal writing?

Usually, interjections are more common in informal speech and writing, such as conversations, emails, and creative works. In formal writing, they are used sparingly, mainly in dialogue or expressive storytelling. Instead of “Wow! That’s interesting!” a formal text might say, “That is quite intriguing.

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