
Noun clauses
Prepositional Phrases List with Examples
Prepositional Phrases as Adverbial Phrases

What Is a Predicate in English Grammar? Learn with Examples

The word “predicate” might sound technical, but it’s actually quite simple – it refers to the action or state in a sentence. A predicate plays a crucial role in constructing…

Tense Chart In English | 12 Tenses in English with Examples

A tense chart in English provides a clear and systematic overview of the different types of tenses. It makes it easier for learners to grasp the tense rules, structure, and uses.…

Clauses in English Grammar: Definition, Types and Examples

A clause is a collection of words that have both a subject and a predicate. The subject, which can be a noun or pronoun, is the focus of the clause,…

Noun Clauses: Definition, Functions, and Examples

Noun clauses are an essential part of English grammar. They are the group of words that act as nouns in a sentence. Noun clauses play a key role in the…

Noun clauses

Noun clauses are an essential part of English grammar. They are the group of words that act as nouns in a sentence. Noun clauses play…

Prepositional Phrases List with Examples

If you have ever wondered about those word combos like “in the garden” or “across the street,” you are in the right place. In this…

Prepositional Phrases as Adverbial Phrases

Are you struggling to understand prepositional phrases and how they function as adverbial phrases in English sentences? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Prepositional phrases as…

Prepositional Phrases in English

Prepositional phrases are groups of words that show how things are connected in a sentence, like where, when, how, or why something happened. They can…