Distributive Adjectives in English: Usage and Examples

Distributive adjectives are a vital component of the English language, yet many people overlook their significance. In this article, we will delve into the world of distributive adjectives, exploring their definitions, functions, and how to use them effectively in everyday communication.

What are Distributive Adjectives?

To begin our journey, let’s establish what distributive adjectives are. Distributive adjectives are a subset of adjectives that refer to individual members of a group or distribute characteristics to each member individually. They help provide clarity and precision when describing multiple items within a group. They are the words that make sentences like “Each student passed the test” or “Both cookies are delicious” possible.

Distributive adjectives are typically placed before the noun they modify, and they emphasize the individuality of each item within a group. They answer the question “Which one?” or “How many?” when describing objects within a set.

Types of Distributive Adjectives

Distributive adjectives come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose in emphasizing individuality or inclusivity within a group. Here are the types along with examples:

1. Each: “Each” is used when you want to emphasize the individuality of each item within a group. It suggests that every member is considered individually.


  1. Each student received a certificate.”
    • In this sentence, “each” highlights that every student received a certificate individually.
  2. Each book on the shelf has a unique cover design.”
    • Here, “each” emphasizes the distinctiveness of the cover design for every book.

2. Every: “Every” is similar to “each” but implies the inclusivity of all members within a group. It suggests that there are no exceptions.


  1. Every employee attended the training session.”
    • This sentence indicates that all employees, without exception, attended the session.
  2. Every house on the street is beautifully decorated for Christmas.”
  3. “Every” emphasizes that each and every house on the street is beautifully decorated.

3. Either: “Either” is used when you want to refer to one of two choices. It indicates that there are only two options, and you can choose one.


  1. “You can choose either pizza or pasta for dinner.”
    • “Either” here tells us that there are two distinct choices for the dinner menu.
  2. Either the pink or the red dress would look great on you.”
    • In this case, “either” indicates that you can choose one of the two dresses.

4. Neither: “Neither” is the negative counterpart of “either” and implies not choosing either of the two options. It suggests exclusion.


  1. Neither option A nor option B met our requirements.”
    • “Neither” indicates that neither of the two options was suitable.
  2. Neither book on the shelf is worth reading.”
  3. Here, “neither” suggests that neither (not a single one) book is worth reading.

5. Both: “Both” emphasizes the idea that two items or individuals are considered together. It highlights a sense of duality.


  1. Both black cars in the garage need repairs.”
    • “Both” signifies that both of the cars require repair work.
  2. Both the teacher and the student were excited about the field trip.”
    • In this case, “both” highlights the enthusiasm of both the teacher and the student.

6. All: “All” is used to refer to every item or individual within a group. It emphasizes inclusivity without exception.


  1. All participants completed the survey.”
    • “All” conveys that every participant, without exception, completed the survey.
  2. All the children at the party received a gift.”
  3. Here, “all” indicates that every child at the party received a gift.

These examples illustrate how each type of distributive adjective serves a unique purpose in emphasizing individuality or inclusivity within a group or when indicating the number of choices available. Understanding these types and using them appropriately in your communication can make your language more precise and expressive.

Singular vs. Plural Nouns with Distributive Adjectives

Distributive adjectives can significantly change the meaning of a sentence depending on whether they are used with singular or plural nouns. Here, we’ll explore this concept with examples and illustrations:

Using Distributive Adjectives with Singular Nouns

When you use distributive adjectives with singular nouns, you are referring to individual items within a group. Let’s illustrate this with some examples:

  • Each student received a book.
    • In this sentence, “each” emphasizes that every individual student received a book. It means that every student received their own book, and each book is distinct.
  • Every house on the street is beautifully decorated for Christmas.
    • Here, “every” emphasizes that all the individual houses on the street are decorated. It implies that each house has its unique decorations, contributing to the festive atmosphere.
  • Either apple in the basket is ripe.
    • “Either” is used to emphasize the ripeness of each individual apple in the basket. You’re talking about the ripeness of one apple at a time.

Using Distributive Adjectives with Plural Nouns

When distributive adjectives are used with plural nouns, they refer to the group as a whole rather than individual items within the group. Let’s illustrate this concept:

  • All cats are fluffy.
    • In this case, “all” refers to the entire group of cats. It means that as a group, all the cats share the characteristic of being fluffy. You’re not discussing the fluffiness of each cat individually.
  • Both dogs wagged their tails excitedly.
    • “Both” highlights the entire group of dogs. It implies that both dogs, as a pair, wagged their tails. You’re not describing the tail-wagging of each dog separately.
  • All the children at the party received a gift.
    • “All” signifies that every child at the party received a gift. It doesn’t focus on individual gifts for each child but rather the collective act of gift-giving.

How to Use Distributive Adjectives Correctly

Distributive adjectives, as we’ve discussed, are used to describe individual members within a group or to emphasize inclusivity within a set. Here are some practical guidelines along with examples to illustrate their usage:

1. Context Matters

The choice of a distributive adjective depends on the context and the message you want to convey. Let’s consider two examples to highlight this:

Example 1: Each vs. Every

  • Each emphasizes individuality within a group.
    • “Each student received a certificate for their hard work.” (Each student individually received a certificate.)
  • Every implies the inclusivity of all members within a group.
    • “Every employee attended the training session.” (All employees, without exception, attended the session.)

In Example 1, “each” focuses on individual students, while “every” suggests that all employees attended the session.

2. Placement

Distributive adjectives are typically positioned before the noun they modify. This placement is essential for grammatical accuracy. Let’s examine this with an example:

Example 2: Placement of Distributive Adjectives

  • Correct: “Each student submitted their assignment.”
  • Incorrect: “The student each submitted their assignment.”

In Example 2, the correct placement is “Each student,” where “each” comes before “student.” Placing it incorrectly disrupts the sentence’s structure.

3. Agreement

Distributive adjectives should agree in number with the noun they modify. Let’s see how this works:

Example 3: Agreement of Distributive Adjectives

  • Correct: “All participants completed the survey.” (Participants is plural, so “all” agrees with it.)
  • Incorrect: “All participant completed the survey.”

In Example 3, “all” correctly agrees with the plural noun “participants.” The incorrect version, where “participant” is singular, doesn’t match in number.

Distributive Adjective Examples – Usage in Sentences

Here are some more concrete examples of distributive adjectives used in sentences to help you understand their usage:

  • Each flower in the garden blooms in its own time.
  • Each student in the class has a unique talent.
  • Every employee in the company is dedicated to their job.
  • Every star in the night sky shines brightly.
  • Either option will lead you to a beautiful beach.
  • Neither cat wants to go outside in the rain.
  • Neither restaurant was open late at night.
  • Both children enjoyed playing in the park.
  • Both books on the shelf are worth reading.
  • All students participated in the school assembly.
  • All the ingredients for the recipe are in the kitchen.


In conclusion, distributive adjectives play a crucial role in English grammar by emphasizing individuality or inclusivity within a group of items or individuals. Understanding their types and proper usage can enhance your communication skills and make your writing more precise. So, the next time you want to emphasize individual members within a group or refer to all of them collectively, remember the power of distributive adjectives.

FAQs about Distributive Adjectives

What are distributive adjectives?

Distributive adjectives are words used to describe individual items within a group or to indicate the collective nature of a group. They help in specifying whether you’re talking about each item separately or the group as a whole.

What are some common distributive adjectives in English?

Common distributive adjectives include “each,” “every,” “either,” “neither,” “both,” and “all.” These words help convey different aspects of distribution within a group.

How do distributive adjectives differ from descriptive adjectives?

Distributive adjectives focus on the distribution or individuality of items within a group, while descriptive adjectives or adjectives of quality provide additional details about the characteristics of a noun. Distributive adjectives answer the question “how many,” whereas descriptive adjectives answer “what kind.”

Can you use distributive adjectives with both singular and plural nouns?

Yes, distributive adjectives can be used with both singular and plural nouns. When used with singular nouns, they emphasize individuality, while with plural nouns, they refer to the entire group.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using distributive adjectives?

Common mistakes include:
1. Misusing “each” and “every”: “Each” refers to individual items, while “every” signifies all items in a group.
2. Incorrect agreement: Ensure that the distributive adjective agrees in number with the noun it modifies.
3. Using distributive adjectives where they aren’t needed: Use them when emphasizing distribution or individuality within a group.

What is the difference between “each” and “every”?

While both emphasize individuality, “each” is used when you want to highlight individual members, whereas “every” implies the inclusivity of all members.

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